Curriculum Vitae

Course of Life

Robin McCoy Brooks, M.A., LMHC, TEP, Psychoanalyst

107 Soundview Road, Bellingham, WA 98229


Tel. 503.407.6414

  • Credentials & Education

    Jungian Psychoanalyst Certified by International Association for Analytical Psychology (2009).

    Licensed Mental Health Counselor (LMHC), State of Washington, LH 0000 5260. Active, since 1989 (when licensure was instated in WA state, prior to that, Registered Counselor since 1982.

    Certified Trainer, Educator and Practitioner of Group Psychotherapy, Psychodrama and Sociometry (TEP), American Board of Examiners in Psychodrama, Sociometry and Group Psychotherapy. 1997. Active.

    Master of Arts, Counseling and Rehabilitation, Seattle University, WA, 1982.

    Bachelor of Fine Arts, North Texas State University, Denton, Texas, 1975. Major: studio arts. Minor areas of study: art history, psychology and special education.

  • Academic Affiliations and Offices

    Jungian Training Analyst at the C. G. Jung Institute, Zürich

    International Journal of Jungian Studies, Co-Editor-in-Chief. 2019-present.

    International Association of Jungian Studies, Board of Directors, Seminar Chair, 2018-present.

    New School for Analytical Psychology, Founding faculty member

    Certified Jungian Psychoanalyst (North Pacific Institute for Analytical Psychology NPIAP) 2009, inactive.

    International Association of Analytical Psychology (IAAP), active.

    Inter-Regional Society of Jungian Analysts (IRSJA). Analyst member, active.

    NW Alliance for Psychoanalytic Study, Member, active.

    Adjunct Faculty Appointment-Antioch University Seattle, WA 2012-2014, School of Applied Psychology and Counseling and Family Therapy (Masters level), Ethics and Professional Issues.

  • Peer Reviewed Publications: Book, Chapters, Articles

    C. G. Jung, Gloria Anzaldúa  and social activism’s possibility. In Jungian Dimensions of the Mourning Process, Burial Rituals and Access to the Land of the Dead Intimations of Immortality. Ed. Elizabeth Brodersen, New York: Routledge 2023.

    Social activism’s possibility through perspectives of Gloria Anzaldua, Walter Benjamin and C. G. Jung. Journal of Analytical Psychology. 68(2). 416-426. (2023).

    The Healing Power of Community: Mutual Aid, AIDS & Social Transformation, Co-authored with Lusijah Marx, Graham Harriman and Robin McCoy Brooks, Routledge 2024 (in production)

    Psychoanalysis, Catastrophe and Social Change, New York: Routledge, 2022. IAJS Book Award for Best Book in 2022

    From Leper-thing to Another Side of Care: A Reading of Lacan’s Logical Collectivity, In Shame, Temporality and Social Change, Ominous Transitions. Eds. Ladson Hinton & Hessel Willemsen, New York: Routledge, 2021.

    A Critique of C.G. Jung’s Philosophical Basis for Selfhood: Theory Vexed by an Incorporeal Ontology, In Jung and Philosophy. Eds. Jon Mills, New York: Routledge (2019).

    Collective shadows on the sociodrama stage, with Siyat Ulon, MD., International Journal of Jungian Studies, 10(3). 221-236. (2018).

    Self as political possibility: Subversive neighbor love and transcendental agency amidst collective blindness. International Journal of Jungian Studies, 10(1), 48-75. (2018).

    The Intergenerational transmission of the catastrophic effects of the real-world history expressed through the analytic subject. In Ethics of Evil: Psychoanalytic investigations. Eds. Ronald C. Naso & Jon Mills, New York: Karnac Books. (2016).

    Accounting for the Material Reality in the Analytic Subject. In The Behavioral Sciences in dialogue with the Theory and Practice of Analytical Psychology. Ed. Lucy Huskinson, Basel, Switzerland: MDPI AG. (2014).

    The ethical dimensions of life and analytic work through a Levinasian lens. The International Journal of Jungian Studies. International Journal of Jungian Studies. (2012).

    Unthought out metaphysics in analytical psychology: a critique of Jung’s epistemological basis for psychic reality. Journal of Analytical Psychology. 10(1), 48-75. (2011).

    Review: Technique and final cause in psychoanalysis: Four ways of looking at one moment’ Jonathan Lear. September 2011, Volume 56, No. 4. Journal of Analytical Psychology, Fall 2011.

    Review: The relational ethics of conflict and identity. By Stephen Frosh. Journal of Analytical Psychology. Volume 67. 457-64. (2011).

    An Interpretation of Carl Jung’s Use of Phenomenology and Hermeneutics. Unpublished

    Peer-reviewed monograph. Graduating manuscript, North Pacific Institute of Analytical Psychology (NPIAP), December 2009.

  • Scholarly & Professional Awards

    Book Award Best Book published in 2022, International Association for Jungian Studies: Robin McCoy Brooks, Psychoanalysis, Catastrophe & Social Action, 2022

    Featured in Special Women’s Health Report, Women at Work, Seattle Magazine, Volume 10, No. 8, October 2001, featured clinician specializing in depression.

    Neil Passariello Award Recipient, with L. Marx, 53rd Annual Meeting, American Society of Group Psychotherapy and Psychodrama, Washington DC, 1995

    Honorary Plenary Address Presented with L. Marx, 53rd Annual Meeting, American. Living Fully With AIDS, American Society of Group Psychotherapy and Psychodrama, Washington, DC, 1995.

  • Professional Presentations, Seminars, Courses & Training Workshops

    (2022). “Jung, Gloria Anzaldua and Social Activism’s Possibility.” Presentation, Inter-Regional Society of Jungian Analysts Fall, October 22 Meeting St. Charles/St. Louis, Missouri.

    (2022). Podcast Interview, Psychoanalysis, Catastrophe & Social Action. New Books in Psychoanalysis, Interviewer: Roy Barsness, October 17,

    (2022). Plenary address, “Healing Through the Wound of Catastrophe: Tribute to Four Ancestors.” Plenary Panel Presentation for the XXII International Congress for Analytical Psychology (IAAP), September 3rd, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

    (2022). “Social Justice and Coalition Building in Analytical Psychology.” Psychosocial Wednesdays – International forum. May 11.

    (2022,) “Social Justice and Coalition Building in Depth Psychology – towards a world we can fall in love with.” NW Alliance for Psychoanalytic Studies – 32nd Annual Forum Conference, Seattle, WA. May 21.

    (2022). “Healing is Political- Psychoanalysis, Catastrophe & Social Justice.” Jungian Society for Scholarly Studies Conference, presentation, Seattle, WA. July 7.

    (2021). Mentoring Mentor Groups for New Therapists. NW Alliance for Psychoanalytic Studies. Seminar for Mentors. October 2021.

    (2021). Plenary address, Introduction to Psychoanalysis, Catastrophe and Social Change: Healing is Political. International Association of Jungian Studies, Dept. of Psychology, Duquesne, University. Pittsburgh, PA, March 2021.

    (2021). Healing is Political: A Radicalized Reading of Julia Kristeva’s Notion of “Sublimation.” NW Alliance for Psychoanalytic Study. Tri-part Seminar, May 2021.

    (2021). Termination in Psychoanalysis. Seattle Psychoanalytic Society and Institute for Adult Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Program, Seminar Block, April, and May 2021.

    (2020). Contemporary Freudian Revisionists: Jacques Lacan & Jean Laplanche. NW Alliance for Psychoanalytic Study, Psychoanalytic Perspectives, Roots and Branches Program. Seminar, January 2020.

    (2020) Discussant with Lacanian Jamieson Webster Ph.D.’s seminar: Conversion Disorder Listening to the body in Psychoanalysis. NW Alliance for Psychoanalytic Study, November 2020.

    (2019). What the “Ugliest Man” and Cat Videos have to do with Why We Can’t Just Get Along: A Critique of Diversity Sociodrama and Application in Psychoanalytic Conferences. Presentation for Inter-Regional Society for Jungian Studies Annual Meeting Santa Fe, NM, October 2018.

    (2018). Termination in Psychoanalysis. Seattle Psychoanalytic Society and Institute for Adult Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Program, Seminar Block March & April 2018.

    (2018). Laplanche and the Transference. NW Alliance for Psychoanalytic Study. Three-part Seminar. September 2018.

    (2018). The intergenerational transmission of the catastrophic effects of Real-world history expressed through the analytic subject. New School for Analytical Psychology. Spring.

    (2017) Collective shadows on the sociodrama stage with Siyat Ulon, MD. Presentation with Siyat Ulon, International Association for Jungian Studies Conference, Cape Town, South Africa, August 2017.

    (2017). Epigenetic as Game Changer Existential and Clinical Implications with Elizabeth Sikes, Ph.D. New School for Analytical Psychology. Tri-part Seminar, March 2017.

    (2017). Self as political possibility: Subversive neighbor love and transcendental agency amidst collective blindness. Inter-Regional Society for Jungian Studies Annual Meeting Minneapolis, Minnesota, October 2018.

    (2016). Methodological Heresy or Theoretical Truce: A Study of Cognitive Behavioral Therapies (CBT) Through a Psychoanalytic Lens. NW Alliance for Psychoanalytic Study. Three-part Seminar, February 2016.

    (2015). Judith Butler Study Group. NW Alliance for Psychoanalytic Study. Four-part Seminar, February 2015.

    (2014). A Multidisciplinary Symposium on Adult ADHD, Co-sponsored by the NW Alliance for Psychoanalytic Study, University of Washington School of Medicine, and the Seattle Psychoanalytic Society and Institute, submitted a proposal for grant monies from the Alliance, formed a multi-disciplinary committee that produced a forum/panel of presenters in the field of neurodiversity focusing on education and collaborative approaches in the treatment of adult ADHD, October 10 and 11, 2014.

    (2014). Philosophy meets Psychoanalysis within selected readings of Hannah Arendt. NW Alliance for Psychoanalytic Studies. January & February 2014.

    (2013). Considering the ethical dimensions of analytic work through the insoluble perspectives of Jung and Levinas. Panel Paper. Psychology & the Other Conference, Cambridge, MA. October 2013.

    (2013). Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy as Ethical Endeavor through a Levinasian Lens. Center for Object Relations. Lecture, January 2013.

    (2012). The Tavistock Lectures: On the Theory and Practice of Analytical Psychology, Jung (1935) CW 18. NPIAP Professional Seminars. January 2012.

    (2011). What is psychoanalysis for? Ethical dimensions in our theory and practice: three contemporary psychoanalytical perspectives. NW Alliance for Psychoanalytic Studies, Seminar, February 2012.

    (2010) Un-thought-Out Metaphysics’ in Analytical Psychology: A Case for Critically Held Philosophical Grounding in Our Theory and Practice. Paper presented to NPIAP, May 2010.

    (2010) Contemporary Use of Active Imagination. NPIAP Professional Seminars, October 2010.

    (2005) Dream work Within the Group Context in the 21st Century. Presented at PSGPN, Spring, 2005.

    (2003) Climb for Life, a filmed documentary released for Public Broadcasting with Greg Fowler and Christopher Carloss. Participated in climbing expeditions, creative direction, and filming. This documentary demonstrates how individuals living with HIV/AIDS can overcome physical/psychological obstacles in the pursuit of mountaineering. June 2003.

    (2003) Between Life and Death: Transcendent Healing of Self and Community Within the Ritual of Mountaineering. Presenter, with Greg Fowler and Aaron Hornstein, 61st Annual Conference, American Society of Group Psychotherapy and Psychodrama, Santa Fe, NM, May 15-19, 2003.

    (1998) Changing Patterns/Changing Lives: An Evolving Model of Healing for People with HIV and Other Chronic Illnesses. Invitational Presentation with L. Marx at 56th Annual Conference, American Society of Group Psychotherapy and Psychodrama, San Francisco, CA, 1998.

    (1996). Building A Community for HIV Positive Women. Workshop with L. Marx, Project Quest, Center for Integrative Medicine, Mt. Hood, Oregon, 1996.

    (1996). Building Community in a Community with Multiple Grief and Loss. Workshop with L. Marx, Project Quest, Center for Integrative Medicine, Breitenbush, Oregon, 1996.

    (1996, 1997). Patterns of Change–Use of Community. Workshop with L. Marx and Graham Harriman, Project Quest, Center for Integrative Medicine. Orcas Island, WA, 1996 and Portland, OR, 1997

  • Clinical Positions

    Psychotherapist, Psychoanalyst Private Practice
    Seattle and Bellingham, WA, 1982 to present

    Clinical Consultant, Private Practice
    Seattle and Bellingham, Washington, 1990 to present.
    Consult with clinicians and students individually and in training groups, focusing on analytic and psychotherapeutic concerns arising within individual and group psychotherapy.

    Consultant, Team Quest Mountaineering
    Portland, Oregon, 1998 to 2005
    Consultant to Greg Fowler, founder of the mountaineering arm of Team Quest, a personal and recreational empowerment program supported by Project Quest, Portland Oregon. Successfully planned and implemented several climbing expeditions for individuals living with life-challenging illnesses

    Psychotherapist, Consultant, Community Leader and Member, Project Quest
    Portland, Oregon, 1990 to 2004.
    Counseled individuals and couples; led groups and personal growth retreats. Provided consultation for clinicians in Project Quest, a non-profit organization focusing on the psychological concerns of individuals living with life-threatening illnesses, primarily HIV disease and cancer.

    Chair of the Annual Meeting of Federation of Trainers and Training Programs in PsychodramaSeattle, Washington, 1986

    Counselor / Caseworker, King County Work Training Program
    Seattle, Washington, 1982 to 1984.
    Managed, through King County Department of Human Resources Youth Services Bureau, a caseload of adolescents and their families. Provided brief counseling services for clients with emotional difficulties. Assisted and instructed high-need youth in selecting, finding and maintaining regional employment.

    Program Coordinator, King County Work Training Program
    Seattle, Washington, 1980 to 1982.
    Administered all aspects of program planning, implementation, and maintenance of summer youth counseling and job placement program. Hired, supervised, and trained a staff of 30. Evaluated program effectiveness. Coordinated public relations with schools, local businesses, and government agencies.

    Head Teacher, Paris Regional Habilitation Center
    Paris, Texas, 1977 to 1979.
    Developed the educational arm of a regional facility affiliated with the Denton State School for Mental Health. Created life-skills curriculum for developmentally delayed adolescents and adults, using behavior modification in conjunction with physical and occupational therapy. Supervised 4 professionals.

    Psychology Trainer, Denton State School for Mental Health
    Denton, Texas, 1975 to 1977.
    Developed, implemented, and supervised life-skills behavioral programs for institutionalized children using behavior modification. Designed, developed, and implemented an art therapy program.